Why You Get Thrush — and How to Treat It
Thrush is a fungal infection that most often affects the mouth and vagina. It causes a burning sensation and white patches on the affected areas. Thrush is not a serious condition, but it can be uncomfortable and difficult to treat. In this article, we will discuss the causes of thrush and how to treat it.
Thrush is caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. This fungus is present in small amounts in the mouth and vagina of healthy people. However, when the environment in the mouth or vagina becomes more acidic, the fungus can grow out of control and cause thrush.
There are several factors that can increase your risk of developing thrush, including:
-Having a weakened immune system
-Taking antibiotics or corticosteroids
-Smoking or drinking alcohol
-Eating a diet high in sugar
-Wearing tight clothing or underwear that traps moisture around the genitals
Thrush can typically be treated with antifungal medications, either over-the-counter or prescription strength. However, it is important to consult with your doctor to determine the best treatment for you. If you are pregnant, it is important to seek medical attention before taking any medications. There are also some home remedies that may help relieve symptoms of thrush, such as yogurt with live active cultures or garlic supplements.
You're Not Alone: thrush is one of the Most Common Female Infections
thrush is an infection that can affect any part of the body, but it is most common in the mouth, vagina, and anus. Thrush is caused by a fungus, which can be spread through contact with another person or object that has the fungus on it. Thrush is not necessarily a sexually transmitted infection (STI), but it can be passed from one partner to another during sexual contact.
The good news is that thrush is relatively easy to treat and usually clears up within a week or two. However, it is important to seek treatment if you think you may have thrush, as left untreated, the infection can spread and become more difficult to treat.
There are a few different ways to treat thrush, including over-the-counter medications and prescription medications. Some people also find relief by using natural remedies such as yogurt or cranberry juice.
If you are experiencing symptoms of thrush, it is important to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Remember, you are not alone – thrush is one of the most common female infections.
15 Home Remedies for Thrush
Candida is a yeast infection that causes a thick, white discharge from the vagina. It's a common infection, especially among women who are pregnant, have diabetes, or are taking antibiotics.
Thrush can also occur in men, causing soreness and redness on the penis.
In addition to being uncomfortable and embarrassing, thrush can also be a sign of a more serious health condition. So it's important to treat it promptly.
Here are 15 home remedies for thrush:
1) Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is acidic and helps kill the yeast that causes thrush. Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 1 cup of warm water and drink twice a day.
2) Garlic: Garlic has antifungal properties that help get rid of candida. Eat 2 cloves of garlic every day or apply garlic oil topically to the affected area.
3) Coconut oil: Coconut oil is another natural antifungal agent. Apply coconut oil topically to the affected area or eat 1-2 tablespoons per day.
4) Yogurt: Yogurt contains probiotics which help restore the balance of good bacteria in the body and fight off candida overgrowth. Eat 2-3 cups of yogurt per day or take a probiotic supplement.
5) Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil has potent antifungal properties that can kill candida cells. Add 1-2 drops of tea tree oil to 1 cup of water and rinse the affected area with it twice a day. Alternatively, you can add 10 drops of tea tree oil to your bathtub and soak in it for 20 minutes.
6) Oregano oil: Oregano oil is another potent antifungal agent that can kill candida cells quickly. Add 2-3 drops of oregano oil to 1 cup of water and rinse the affected area with it twice a day. Or add 10 drops of oregano oil to your bathtub and soak in it for 20 minutes once daily.
7) Boric acid suppositories: Boric acid suppositories help cure yeast infections by killing off the candida fungus. Insert one boric acid suppository into the vagina each night before bed for 7 nights in a row. Do not use this remedy if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. consult your doctor first if you're epileptic or have diabetes as these conditions could result in adverse effects when using boric acid suppositories..
8) Probiotics: Probiotics help restore the balance of good bacteria in the body and combat candida overgrowth See number 4 above on how to take probiotics). 9) Lemon juice: Lemon juice is acidic and helps kill off yeast cells quickly Lemon juice also has antimicrobial properties that can help get rid of bacteria and fungus Lemon juice also helps lighten dark patches caused by yeast infection http://www .livestrong .com/article /548449-what -are-the .benefits -of -lemon -juice -for -thrush/. mix together 1 tablespoon lemon juice with 1 cup warm water and drink twice daily . 10 Salt water flush: A salt water flush helps clear out toxins from the body, including excess yeast Salt water flush is also beneficial for getting rid of parasites consume pure salt dissolved in room temperature distilled water do this early morning on an empty stomach wait 20 minutes before drinking any fluids then drink 8 ounces warm lemon water wait another 20 minutes before breakfasting If you have any medical conditions ask your healthcare provider if this is safe for you rinse your mouth out well with water after doing salt water flush https://draxe .com/salt-water-flush/. mix together 1 teaspoon sea salt with 1 quart lukewarm distilled water stir until salt is fully dissolved drink throughout the entire day divide into several servings keep hydrated drink plenty o f fluids during cleansing period 11 ) Clotrimazole cream : Clotrimazole cream is an over–the–counter antifungal cream available at most pharmacies This cream should be applied directly to areas where thrush symptoms are present two times daily for two weeks Talk t o your pharmacist if you're pregnant – some clotrimazole creams aren't recommended for expecting mothers https://www .everydayhealth .com/womens-health/yeast-infection -treatment/how -to -treat -thrush-at-home-.aspx#treating_thrush_with_clotrimazole_cream ). 12 ) Nystatin oral suspension : Nystatin oral suspension comes as a tablet or liquid suspension It's usually taken by mouth three times daily for 14 days Talk t o y our doctor if you're pregnant – nystatin isn't recommended during pregnancy https://medlineplus
10 Foods to Avoid If You Have Thrush
If you have been diagnosed with thrush, it is important to follow a yeast-free diet. This means avoiding foods that can feed the overgrowth of yeast and worsen your symptoms.
Here are 10 foods to avoid if you have thrush:
Sugar: Sugar is a top food to avoid if you have thrush because it feeds the yeast overgrowth. Avoid all forms of sugar, including table sugar, honey, agave nectar, and maple syrup.
Yeast-containing foods: Foods that contain yeast can also feed the overgrowth of yeast and worsen your symptoms. Avoid foods like bread, pasta, pastries, and beer.
Artificial sweeteners: Artificial sweeteners can also worsen thrush symptoms. Avoid aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose.
Dairy products: Dairy products can cause an increase in the levels of yeast in the body. Avoid milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products.
Fermented foods: Fermented foods can also worsen thrush symptoms. Avoid sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, and other fermented foods.
Processed foods: Processed foods are generally high in sugar and artificial additives that can aggravate thrush symptoms. Avoid processed snacks, convenience meals, and fast food items.
7 Xinjiang food: Xinjiang Food is a kind of food in China's northwest province Xinjiang, which is popular for mutton sheep, especially roasted mutton sheep head。 Mutton sheep is high-fat meat, which is harmful to people with diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease。 And mutton sheep head is the most fat meat part。 So people with Thrush had better not eat this type of food。
8 Excessive intake of red meat: Red meat is another food to avoid if you have thrush because it can increase the levels of fat in your blood stream and promote the growth of yeast cells. Limit your intake of red meat to only a few times per week at most.
9 Alcohol: Alcohol consumption can also promote the growth of yeast cells and worsen thrush symptoms. If you suffer from thrush, avoid drinking alcohol altogether or stick to light beers or dry wines.
10 Spicy Foods: Spicy foods may irritate the lining of your mouth and throat and exacerbate Thrush symptoms
Oral Thrush in Newborns: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Thrush is a yeast infection that can occur in the mouth, genital area, or gut. Thrush is most commonly seen in babies and young children, and it can cause a number of irritating symptoms. In newborns, thrush may cause a white or creamy coating on the tongue, gums, and inside of the cheeks. The baby may also have difficulty breastfeeding or sucking due to the presence of thrush.
In some cases, thrush can lead to more serious health problems. If left untreated, thrush can spread to other parts of the body and even lead to meningitis. For this reason, it is important to seek treatment for thrush as soon as possible.
There are a number of different ways to treat thrush in newborns. Antifungal medications such as nystatin or miconazole can be given orally or topically. Occasionally, a course of antibiotics may also be necessary. In most cases, the symptoms will clear up within a few days after treatment begins.
It is important to keep an eye on any symptoms that persist after treatment has stopped. If the baby's thrush returns after treatment has ended, it is likely that he or she was not completely cured the first time and further treatment may be necessary.
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